Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are we all on the same track?

The McKinsey survey "How companies think about climate change" shows result that are very similar to the HSBC survey "Climate Confidence Index 2007" with one big deferens, it’s not the peoples opinion it’s the CEO’s opinion. Accenture’s survey "A new consumer mindset" also confirms the similarities and so dose the Landors annually "ImagePower" survey.

Similarity One
Growing GDP equals Growing climate awareness

McKinsey survey: “Role of climate change in overall corporate strategy considered very, somewhat important”

Accenture and HSBC found the same result; the most concerned and active countries are the merging as India, China and Brazil. The least concerned in HSBC and Accenture survey is United Kingdom and North America.

Similarity two
It’s changing and that’s rapidly

McKinsey survey: “How often does your company currently take climate change into consideration?”

65% answered - Managing corporate reputation, brands

Landor's "ImagePower" survey shows similar and very interesting result; in the 2006’s survey they found that green thinking was a minority concern and that few could name “a green brand”. But in the 2007’s survey they record a striking change, a united green concern through out their answers.

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